If you’ve arrived at this website, you may have discovered that both the link (https://exploring-linkages.uark.edu) and the appearance is very different than with the “old” website (http://wordpress.uark.edu/ojl/).
The reason for this change is that the University of Arkansas recently switched servers for its faculty who had “WordPress” websites. This required that the old websites migrate to the new server, which then required new website addresses. In addition, I believe that a more uniform appearance was also employed.
The proverbial “bottom line” is that this website has mostly the same content and organization, but that its appearance and navigation are different. Also, there may be some “bugs” in the new site that I’ve not yet found! (And i’d welcome you letting me know if you find these!)
Lastly, while I certainly did not want to change my website link because of its history in marketing my teaching program and associated courses, I would like to thank those members of the WordPress Team in UA Information Technology Services who worked diligently to help make this process as painless as could be reasonably expected.
Otto J. Loewer